Shockingly, however, Staff Sgt. Brian Jopek, the father of Ryan Jopek, the young soldier who tragically lost his life to a roadside bomb in 2006, recently said on a Wisconsin Public Radio show that his family had asked Barack Obama to stop wearing the bracelet with his son's name on it. Yet Obama continues to do so despite the wishes of the family.
Radio host Glenn Moberg of the show "Route 51" asked Mr. Jopek, a man who believes in the efforts in Iraq and is not in favor of Obama's positions on the war, what he and his ex-wife think of Obama continually using their son's name on the campaign trail.
According to the father, Tracy Jopek wrote to the Senator: “She had asked him not to wear the bracelet.”
Barack Obama is using the bracelet to support a position that his father (and Ryan Jopek himself) clearly do not subscribe to, and at the time even the mother that gave him the bracelet didn’t want it used in the media (that comment was made here) and asked him to take it off.
Brian and Tracy Jopek are now divorced. I don’t know what her current thoughts are. But this interview on WPR, from March 20, was interesting. The quotes here are from about 10 to 14 minutes in.
1 comment:
Hey, Romeo, while you are posting this, be sure to include to blog about the "For" vote McCain gave to cuts in veteran benefits enacted just months after the troops helped Bush return to the White House. My relatives returned home with desert sand in their boots just in time to hear all the promises they got on the way over were now just that -- promises... And while you are discussing "bracelets" and the mis-communications of a family broken by tragedy, include these facts about your GOP nom:
Not only has he refused to support the 21st Century GI Bill, which the Veterans of Foreign Wars endorsed last June, he has consistently voted against increasing funding for the Veterans’ Administration, which oversees all medical care for veterans:
Voted AGAINST an amendment providing $20 billion to the VA’s medical facilities.
Voted AGAINST providing $430 million to the VA for outpatient care “and treatment for veterans,” one of only 13 senators to do so.
Voted AGAINST increasing VA funding by $1.5 billion by closing corporate loopholes. Voted AGAINST increasing VA funding by $1.8 billion by ending “abusive tax loopholes.”
Now, that is patriotic...
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